Having nonprintable characters in the mail header is NOT allowed.
Not only this - but those characters (if processed) may cause an 
unexpected assp behavior and/or perl crashes. ASSP will remove them for 
internal processing
The next version will have a hidden option to completely disable the 
RFC2047 check. 
How ever, it is strongly recommended to leave this check 'ON'.

>I can't rely on Canon, Xerox or HP  to fix there buggy cr*p.
YOU CAN'T ???? But I have to fix this sh...????

btw - the mail subject on those machines is configurable - and they never 
use nonprintable characters per default!


Von:    Gooegg <sysad...@satelcom.qc.ca>
An:     'ASSP development mailing list' <assp-test@lists.sourceforge.net>
Datum:  22.09.2016 17:19
Betreff:        [Assp-test] Feature request

Hi all,

I would like to know if it could be possible to have and separate Msg/IP 
scorring for messages with non printable characters in
undecoded subject (RFC2047) or have a way to disable just that that check? 
 I'am asking this because I have a rather large user base
of mostly french speaking people, and a lot of HAM messages, mostly coming 
from MFC printers, FAX Machines and B2B Portals  are
triggering the bombSubjectRE and then get blocked by ASSP.  I don't want 
to have to disable doBombHeaderRe or lower  bombValencePB
here because I use bombSubjectRE extensively to trap scams and 
spear-phishing emails and it work's great.  It's just that RFC2047
check that is giving me some troubles... and apparently I can't rely on 
Canon, Xerox or HP  to fix there buggy cr*p. 

Thanks guys and keep up the good work, 


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