I've run tests with MySQL. It is very fast unless you have
many processes that need to access it at once and then
the weak point is it's locking method which let's only
one process in at a time  So you run into a wall as the
size/complexity of your project grows past some point.

But for a PBX all you are doing is using MySQL as a
log file.  It's a triveal application.  Just one
process doing a few inserts. This is where MySQL is
at it's best.  

For the triveal case of one table and one process doing
inserts I've done hundres per second but with a dozen
processes and a doxen related tables  we saw signs of the
"death spiral" and even incorrect results and lock ups.

The bigger, higher end DBMSes start out slower but scale
better to more complex tasks and more concurent users.

The fastest way to get between two points in a city using
ground transport might be a motorcycle.  But what if your
job is to move 10,000 cases of beer between those two
points.  "fastest" is the wrong benchmark in that case.
Even a slow and plodding horse drawn wagon would beat the
bike at that job. It's kind of the same with databases.

--- Ryan Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 13:30, Steven Critchfield wrote:
> > Don't use Mysql. if you ever have had to deal with it in a
> production
> > environment that works it over, you will know that as it reaches
> it's
> > limits, it starts a death spiral that is very difficult to recover
> from.
> > For our software on a dual P3 866 with a gig of ram, the limit was
> > around 1.5 queries a second fairly mixed update, inserts, and
> selects.

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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