On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 15:09, Jon Pounder wrote:
> I'll save my typing fingers somewhat on this one - you are doing great 
> arguing about all the crappiness of mysql and actually backing it up with 
> real examples. It is nice to see that for a change in comparison to all the 
> mysql lovers that love it just "because" but have no basis to compare it to 
> something with "heavy" load. I, like you don't consider massive amounts of 
> selects heavy at all.
> My example of heavy load where mysql could not even begin to handle the 
> situation was a project with real time stock market data streamed in as 
> bids and offers and trades happened, statistics computed from that in real 
> time, database kept in sync live, and charts and graphs plotted in real 
> time for users on the site. Now that situation had more than its share of 
> inserts and updates, and a massive wad of historical data being kept just 
> to add to the fun.
> Might I add for record that postgres did just fine.

While I'm on the postgres bandwagon for now, I wouldn't want it in the
middle of a phone system doing heavy call loads either. Postgres also
has some downsides too. As I understand it, postgres doesn't understand
prepared statements, or at least it doesn't via the perl DBI. Regardless
I've seen our postgres database eat +2600 updates in under 2 seconds
from a remote host on the same exact hardware that mysql choked on and
not cause any degredation of access times for any other user.    
Steven Critchfield  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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