[me shrugs]

I read an interesting quote the other day, can't remember where:

"A religious zealot subconsiously realizes his position is fundamentally
irrational, so he tries to convert 
other people to religion in order to validate that position"


Far as I'm concerned, right tool for the right job. DHCP? Linux. Groupware?
Windows. Firewall? BSD. Graphics? Mac. Low cost, ultra flexible kick ass
telephony? Asterisk / Linux.

>An effective DOS attack on a $300,000 Alpha running NT I used to use was 
>"wiggle the mouse" :-) I never really understood how that brought a 
>multi-CPU machine to a standstill, but it did. 

An effective DOS attack on a Linux box:

su root
cd /
rm -rf *

Every platform has a weakness. 
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