Darren Nickerson wrote:

We prefer the Eicon Diva server and Brooktrout TR1034 boards, which are known to work well with HylaFAX since we've had our share of headaches with the 2977's.

Well, part of my preference for the 2977s involves my strong dislike for the way that the Diva Servers and BrookTrouts do things. It's enough of a dislike to get me over the learning curve of how to properly set up the 2977s for HylaFAX use.

Having said that, I'm excited to see Lee and Steve improving IAXmodem and the underlying SpanDSP library, and look forward to the day that is performs similarly (or better) to the DSP-laden boards we presently favor!

If your favor involves V.34 then it may be a while before the relevant patents expire.


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