2006/10/2, Marco Mouta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
please post your from-zaptel context in extensions.conf

Thanks to Giordano (immediate=yes) i see the first improvement now i hear the asterisk voice who says "the number you digited is not in use, please check"
now i'm tryng to understand how to andle the from-zaptel context, here it is

exten => _X.,1,Set(DID=${EXTEN})
exten => _X.,n,Goto(s,1)
exten => s,1,NoOp(Entering from-zaptel with DID == ${DID})
; If ($did == "") { $did = "s"; }
exten => s,n,Set(DID=${IF($["${DID}"= ""]?s:${DID})})
exten => s,n,NoOp(DID is now ${DID})
exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${CHANNEL:0:3}"="Zap"]?zapok:notzap)
exten => s,n(notzap),Goto(ext-did,${DID},1)
; If there's no ext-did,s,1, that means there's not a no did/no cid route. Hangup.
exten => s,n,Macro(hangup)
exten => s,n(zapok),NoOp(Is a Zaptel Channel)
exten => s,n,Set(CHAN=${CHANNEL:4})
exten => s,n,Set(CHAN=${CUT(CHAN,-,1)})
exten => s,n,Macro(from-zaptel-${CHAN},${DID},1)
; If nothing there, then treat it as a DID
exten => s,n,NoOp(Returned from Macro from-zaptel-${CHAN})
exten => s,n,Goto(ext-did,${DID},1)

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