On 1/23/07, Ed W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I appreciate your point, but it's not that hard to avoid having the 9
prefix at all (in a simple dialplan at least).  So to be honest one
might as well dump the whole "dial 9" thing completely in the scenario
you describe?

I originally setup without the 9.  But, here in the US, we have 711 which
interferes with PARK.  We also have 511 in some areas.  I could figure out a
way around everything but the 711.

I guess you could probably get around the PARK situation by starting your
parking spots at 720 or something.  I just went back to the 9.  I use a
custom caller ID lookup database that I was able to just add strip the 9 in
the program itself.

As far as callback, all my numbers are prefixed with a company code to
indicate which company the caller is calling, so my dialplan looks for this
and knows it's an outside call.
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