We have differing views. I am a Canadian and was born in the UK
I would not be alive today had it not been for the National Health
Service. I don't see any merit in a system that has over 35 million people
that have no health care and a government that could afford health care
for every man, women and child for less than the cost of the war in Iraq.
I am sorry if I offend you, but I'm just calling it like I see it. You
have the right to say "mind your own business". I just hope you are not
one of the 35 million.

Henry L. Coleman.

< C F>
> On 8/14/07, Henry L.Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> (the country that still doesn't have universal health care).
> Sorry for hijacking this thread but I just couldn't resist.
> This is about the only thing in your email I have to disagree with. I
> am thankful that we (meaning citizens of the USA) don't have a
> universal health care like in Canada or UK. My mothers family coming
> and still living in Canada, and my in laws in the UK, I have seen the
> universal health care systems what they are, and I hope the US never
> adopts one.

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