You would have to look at the code in the VM app.
and see if the hostname for the mail server is configurable.
Likely it is simply hard coded to "localhost" which would
send the mail to port 25 on the * sever.   In theory
the VM application _could_ use a remote mail server but it
would have to be written that way.  

I'd prefer to run a local sendmail.  Ths means you have a local
queue and the mail gets handed off quikly even if your
other server is down or slow.  

--- Ralf Illing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi .
> I already set-up sendmail on another network server thus it would be
> nice to use that one or is sendmail on * server required!?
> I had a look in the archive but couldn't find any information where
> to
> set the mail server from localhost to my network server .
> Cheers
> Ralf

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  Office: 310-336-5189  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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