
I have found the following problems with outgoing calls with asterisk, compiled with an updated CVS on 22 Oct.

1.- Problem with retries:
Whenever I set the MaxRetries parameter, to something greater than 0 in a call-fille, Asterisk ignores the RetryTime parameter and retries every file in the outgoing folder when a new call-file is copied into that folder.
So, if I make a call placing a call-file in the outgoing folder, nobody answers and my call-file stays in the outgoing folder waiting for 'RetryTime' seconds (say 120 seconds), if another call-file is placed in the outgoing folder the previous call is retried inmediately before the RetryTime finishes.

2.- Problem with high-volume calls:
When I put lots of call-files in then outgoing folder, from time to time asterisk show an error in Master.csv. The error is OutgoingSpoolFailed, and shows no info about the call, just "failed" as the extension. I move one call-file every second, but for several minutes.

How can I avoid this two problems?

Thanks in advance,
Robert T.

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