Hello all,


I've posted on this problem before. Well here goes again.


I have an intel mobo with a p4 2.4ghz proc, 1GB Ram. It has built-in ethernet and vga and 6 pci slots.


I dreamed of making this my household communications server: internet router, firewall, vpn and asterisk. Everything works except the TDM fxs card. Well it works for a little while and it dies: no dialtone, no ring tone.


All 6 slots are filled: two more Ethernet cards, two digium fxo cards, an sb live card and the tdm card. Everything that I don't use on the motherboard is turned off: serial and parallel ports, serial ata and motherboard sound. I've got all this stuff packed in a case with a 430 watt power supply.


Interesting observation #1: When the tdm card dies, the fxo cards and asterisk still carry on. People can call and can leave messages, etc. I just can't hear the phone ring and I can't use the phone either.


Interesting observation #2: I think I know how to make the tdm card die. I have a pc behind one of the Ethernet cards on the server.  When I do a download off the net, the tdm card dies. Keep in mind when I'm doing a download two Ethernet interfaces are working, the one to which the pc is connected and the one connected to my cable modem. I've just tried another download - I'm almost 100 percent sure I can make the card die this way.


Anyone been down this path before? I'd hate to buy a linksys box just to make the tdm card happy.







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