----- Original Message -----
From: "Victor Rini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 8:48 PM
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] TDM Card loses Dialtone and Battery

> I dreamed of making this my household communications server: internet
> router, firewall, vpn and asterisk. Everything works except the TDM fxs
> card. Well it works for a little while and it dies: no dialtone, no ring
> tone.

Does asterisk start dumping grotesque error messages when the card dies?
Checked /proc/interrupts?
What about load, while you're downloading? (I realize the error is
"permanent", even though the load isn't.)

> All 6 slots are filled: two more Ethernet cards, two digium fxo cards, an
> live card and the tdm card. Everything that I don't use on the motherboard

Side note, and probably not related, but what's the SB live card for? You
don't actually use this computer, do you? It's a server, let it be one...

Andrew Thompson http://aktzero.com/

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