On 21:28, Fri 10 Oct 08, Wayne wrote:
> Thanks both,
> The only thing I have a little concern over is that 1.6 is that its 
> still a development release (if I understand things correctly). 

No, 1.6.0 has been released. This is indeed the first public 'final'
release of the 1.6 series. But it's not in beta or release-candidate
Basically, it's the latest and greatest version that should be stable.

> Stability is the main thing for me (its only a very small set up) but 
> there are no technical people around if something were to go wrong 
> through the day.

You do know it's just another daemon an a linux box right ?
If you cant afford downtime you should not bet on one server, but make
every part of your network redundant. That means at least:
all the other stuff I forgot


Michiel van Baak
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x71C946BD

"Why is it drug addicts and computer aficionados are both called users?"

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