Greg Boehnlein wrote:

On Thu, 22 Jan 2004, WipeOut wrote:

This is great to see.. but why RH7.3 (or RH8 for that matter) since it has already been EOL'ed by RH??

Couple of reasons..

1. It is a stable, known quantity that uses solid components and closely mirrors the environment that a lot of people develop Asterisk on. It isn't going to drastically change, so those wishing to deploy it in production may look to RedHat 7.3 as a stable platform for that purpose.

2. 8.0 and 9.0 are really not "server" oriented distributions of RedHat. RedHat started using a lot of edge technology in the later versions of RedHat (newer Glibc, newer GCC) and as a result, I know very few people (and I know a lot in my Industry ;) that are deploying commercial, production servers on top of RH 8 and 9. It's great for the DeskTop, but not in the Data center. As with all things, this is based on my personal opinions, so your mileage may vary! ;)

3. I want to refine the RPMS a bit and do some updates and changes to the .specfiles. If I have to maintain 7.3, 8.0, 9.0 and FC1 releases, that is 3 times the build work. Work will proceed a lot more rapidly if I just have to do a weekly update for one platform.

4. I run Asterisk on top of RH 7.3 currently and it suited my needs. ;)

5. I haven't yet built my 8.0, 9.0 and Fedora Core 1 development environments for Vmware, although the SRPMS that I released -SHOULD- build on them without modifications.

For those who use RH or Fedora Core, RH9 is EOL in April and FC2 is scheduled for release in April as well..

See #5! ;)

I understand or agree with all of your points..

My biggest problem is that RH has basically dropped me in the "poo" by killing off their free version and stopping support for all the free versions as well.. I have been looking at alternatives but so far nothing is going to fit the bill.. The other distro's are either way off the mark or too difficult to get running in the first place or to difficult to manage in a production enviroment.. also I can't affort $400 for RH Enterprise Linux for each of my test/demo/dev servers.. I guess there are many with the same problem.. :(


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