On Thu, 22 Jan 2004, WipeOut wrote:

> I understand or agree with all of your points..
> My biggest problem is that RH has basically dropped me in the "poo" by 
> killing off their free version and stopping support for all the free 
> versions as well.. I have been looking at alternatives but so far 
> nothing is going to fit the bill.. The other distro's are either way off 
> the mark or too difficult to get running in the first place or to 
> difficult to manage in a production enviroment.. also I can't affort 
> $400 for RH Enterprise Linux for each of my test/demo/dev servers.. I 
> guess there are many with the same problem.. :(

I would suggest either Fedora Core 1 (Which is essentially RedHat 9.1) if 
you are familiar with RedHat. Or, just bite the bullet and learn about 
Debian. It's really a wonderful distribution once you learn the ins and 
the outs. In fact, I actually use "apt" to manage my RedHat 7.3 boxes, 
since upgrades are as simple as "apt-get dist-upgrade".

And just because RedHat isn't supporting 7.3 doesn't mean that others will 
not. There are several commercial vendors that have announced support for 

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