
I think you need to rewind a bit and do a bit of reading on how
applications are compiled on a *nix platform.  

The Makefile is just a list of instructions for the make applications.

If you do not have the make application, and appropriate compilers and
libraries installed, you are going to have a problem.

If you are new to Linux, and the whole application building world, I
suggest you use a LiveCD instead of trying to build it yourself.

Check voip-info.org for Asterisk builds on LiveCD's.



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rodney
Acosta Coya
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 11:27 AM
To: 'Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion'
Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] Can some bady help me ???
Importance: High

i found de file Makefile but i dont now what to do with  it
look at this

inux:/inst/pbx/asterisk-1.0.0 # make:make install
bash: make:make: command not found
linux:/inst/pbx/asterisk-1.0.0 # ls
.          README.fpm  apps           callerid.c  config.c  editline
io.c               pbx          sounds
..         SECURITY    ast_expr.y     cdr         configs   enum.c
keys               pbx.c        sounds.txt
.version   acl.c       astconf.h      cdr.c       contrib   file.c
loader.c           poll.c       srv.c
BUGS       aescrypt.c  asterisk.8.gz  channel.c   db.c      formats
logger.c           privacy.c    stdtime
CREDITS    aeskey.c    asterisk.c     channels    db1-ast   frame.c
make_build_h       redhat       tdd.c
ChangeLog  aesopt.h    asterisk.h     chanvars.c  dlfcn.c   fskmodem.c
manager.c          res          term.c
HARDWARE   aestab.c    asterisk.sgml  cli.c       dns.c     image.c
md5.c              rtp.c        translate.c
LICENSE    agi         astman         codecs      doc       images
mkdep              sample.call  ulaw.c
Makefile   alaw.c      astmm.c        coef_in.h   dsp.c     include
muted.c            say.c        utils.c
README     app.c       autoservice.c  coef_out.h  ecdisa.h
muted.conf.sample  sched.c
linux:/inst/pbx/asterisk-1.0.0 # Makefile install
bash: Makefile: command not found
linux:/inst/pbx/asterisk-1.0.0 # nmake install
bash: nmake: command not found

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