Rodney Acosta Coya wrote:
look at this:

linux:/media/cdrom/suse/i586 # rpm -i gcc-c++*
error: Failed dependencies:
        libstdc++-devel is needed by gcc-c++-3.3.3-43.25
        gcc = 3.3.3-43.25 is needed by gcc-c++-3.3.3-43.25

how i can solve the second dependence

Rodney I don't think you're at a level of understanding of Linux yet where any amount of help you get on this list is going to help you.

You are first going to have to become comfortable with the Linux platform, learn the basics of compilation and installation, understand how the packaging mechanism works, and THEN worry about getting Asterisk going.

The messages you are posting to this list, and sometimes you post the same message or almost the same message more than once and even under different subjects, and unfortunate proof that you lack the basic level of understanding needed to get this project going.

What will happen is that because of your lack of understanding, at each stage the list people will help you--as they so kindly have been doing--and then the next little glitch will arise, and you will be back here again with another message, or more.

You really need to commit yourself to spending some time on basic education--get a beginner's guide to Linux, to Red Hat, to the various things you want to do. Play with the system following those guides first, and then you will be able to compile Asterisk and install it with enough understanding of what you are doing to avoid the many problems you appear to be having.

Just a suggestion, but I'm afraid if you don't follow it soon you are going to be in trouble on the list.

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