>On Apr 7, 2010, at 3:42 AM, Tom Chadwin wrote:
>>  Hello all
>>  A major issue with 0.7.1 seems to have transpired. I upgraded six or so
>>  boxes last week, two of which use DAHDI. Asterisk seems to have failed to
>>  run. When I try to start it from the command line, I get:
>>  [Apr  7 09:40:18] ERROR[2705]: asterisk.c:3099 main: Asterisk has detected a
>>  problem with your DAHDI configuration and will shutdown for your protection.
>>  You have options:
>>         1. You only have to compile DAHDI support into Asterisk if you need
>>  it.  One option is to recompile without DAHDI support.
>>         2. You only have to load DAHDI drivers if you want to take advantage
>>  of DAHDI services.  One option is to unload DAHDI modules if you don't need
>>  them.
>>         3. If you need Zaptel services, you must correctly configure DAHDI.
>>  DAHDI was working on these boxes in 0.7.0, and Zaptel on them in 0.6.
>>  Can anyone help?
>>  Tom
>This is related to "/dev/dahdi/timer" in DAHDI.  The calling code in 
>asterisk.c is below.
>What is your variable DAHDIMODS set to?
>What is "cat /etc/rc.modules" ?
>Are you dong any modprobes in a rc.local or such?
>For fun, try "modprobe dahdi_dummy" then "service asterisk start" as 
>Michael suggested, and see if asterisk starts.

BTW: How can I setup multiple modules in DAHDIMODS?
I need "zaphfc dahdi_transcode dahdi_dummy" and in exactly this order.



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