> Am 17.04.2018 um 17:00 schrieb Josh Alberts <jma...@hotmail.com 
> <mailto:jma...@hotmail.com>>:
> Hey Lonnie!
> I certainly have edited rc.conf, and you caught me!  I have an external USB 
> hard drive (/dev/sdb2) that I use to store recordings of phone calls.  I 
> couldn't figure out how to get it to auto mount, so I ended up adding the 
> following lines to rc.conf that did the trick:
> mkdir /mnt/usbhd
> mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/usbhd

Please put these lines in "/mnt/kd/rc.elocal"
Create it, if it does not exist and make it executable.

> From: Lonnie Abelbeck <li...@lonnie.abelbeck.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 8:47 AM
> To: AstLinux Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [Astlinux-users] Problem Running dahdi_cfg
> On Apr 16, 2018, at 11:16 PM, Josh Alberts <jma...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm on astlinux-1.3.2 i686 - Asterisk 13.18.5 and I'm setting up a new 
>> channel bank.  I'm unable to run dahdi_cfg; I get the following error after 
>> it shows the (correct) channel map as defined in /etc/dahdi/system.conf:
>> Unable to create 'dahdi_cfg' mutex: Read-only file system
>> Here is the output of mount:
>> rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
>> /dev/root on /oldroot type ext2 (rw,relatime)
>> devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs 
>> (rw,relatime,size=512k,nr_inodes=221195,mode=755)
>> /dev/sda2 on /oldroot/mnt/asturw type ext2 (rw,noatime,errors=continue)
>> none on /oldroot/mnt/asturo type tmpfs (ro,relatime,size=114012k)
>> none on / type unionfs 
>> (rw,relatime,dirs=/oldroot/mnt/asturw=rw:/oldroot/mnt/asturo=ro)
>> none on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
>> none on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,relatime,size=10000k)
>> none on /var type tmpfs (rw,relatime,size=10000k)
>> none on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
>> none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600)
>> /dev/sdb2 on /mnt/usbhd type ext3 
>> (rw,relatime,errors=continue,barrier=1,data=writeback)
>> /dev/sda1 on /oldroot/cdrom type vfat 
>> (ro,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
>> I don't really know what's going on.  FWIW, the light on my TE122P card is 
>> out, but it's showing in up dahdi_hardware:
>> pci:0000:01:06.0     wcte12xp+    d161:8001 Wildcard TE122
>> And I have DAHDIMODS="wcte12xp" defined in /mnt/kd/rc.conf.d/user.conf.  I 
>> have a feeling I'm doing (or not doing) something silly.  Can someone please 
>> help me figure out why I can't run dahdi_cfg?  Thanks!
> Hi Josh,
> Quick answer, it looks like you have edited the system initialization script 
> /etc/rc in the past (a no-no :-) )  As such /dev/shm is not getting mounted, 
> which is generating the "Unable to create 'dahdi_cfg' mutex:".
> More specifically ...
> Does this command generate any output ?
> --
> show-union | grep '/etc/rc$'
> --
> My guess is yes.  Assuming so ...
> Determine what changes you made relative the of latest official /etc/rc
> --
> diff -u /oldroot/mnt/asturo/etc/rc /oldroot/mnt/asturw/etc/rc
> --
> I'm assuming you made changes to mount your /mnt/usbhd as shown above ... a 
> supported method to do so would be to create a bash script 
> "/mnt/kd/rc.elocal" make it executable and put any initialization commands 
> there.
> If you want to revert to the standard /etc/rc remove your edited version off 
> unionfs by:
> --
> rm /oldroot/mnt/asturw/etc/rc
> --
> (and reboot)
> Worst case solution, you could add the one line to your edited /etc/rc that 
> mounts /dev/shm on tmpfs, (and reboot).  Fixes the problem today, causes 
> problems down the road.
> Lonnie
> PS, just curious, can you explain why you need/want to mount /dev/sdb2 on 
> /mnt/usbhd ?



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