Pavel Roskin pisze:
> On Wed, 2009-05-20 at 16:56 +0200, Jakub Lamperski wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I need to set "only 802.11 headers" for my ath5k driver. It used to be 
>> easy in madwifi:
>> How to do that in ath5k. I found a type file somewhere in 
>> /sys/modules/...../ath5k.... which contains 803 mode number, but I'm not 
>> permitted to change it.
> Why do you need that?  I believe radiotap is pretty much a standard, and
> if you want to parse it, you can skip the whole radiotap header in the
> parser, since the header length is specified in the header.
I have a problem with other program that seems to have problems with 
understanding radiotap header. Of course I could modify the program, but 
I thought it would be easier to check if ath5k without radiotap headers 
would do the job.
Anyway, how is possible that there is a type file with a mode number and 
the number is the same as in madwifi (803) and it's not as easy as 
changing it to 801 somewhere (the file itself, in the code or config 
file or as a parameter for modprobe ath5k)?

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