Antone Roundy wrote:
On Wednesday, January 26, 2005, at 02:18  PM, Tim Bray wrote:

<title type='TEXT'>I do not like &lt;marquee></title> (can't do it)
<title type='HTML'>I do &lt;b>not&lt;/b> like &amp;lt;marquee></title>
<title type='XHTML'>I do <b>not</b> like &lt;marquee></title>

The last one needs to be something like the following, right?

<title type='XHTML'><div xmlns="";>I do <b>not</b> like &lt;marquee></div></title>

I was wondering about this as well. When you have @type['XHTML'], does it need to be in a namespace, or not? (Sounds logical, but apparently people do different things.)

And which XHTML DTD has to be followed for the content model?

-- Anne van Kesteren <>

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