This controversial text is still in:

   Because of the risk of confusion between URIs that would be
   equivalent if dereferenced, the following normalization strategy is
   strongly encouraged when generating Identity constructs:

   o  Provide the scheme in lowercase characters.
   o  Provide the host, if any, in lowercase characters.
   o  Only perform percent-encoding where it is essential.
   o  Use uppercase A-through-F characters when percent-encoding.
   o  Prevent dot-segments appearing in paths.
   o  For schemes that define a default authority, use an empty
      authority if the default is desired.
   o  For schemes that define an empty path to be equivalent to a path
      of "/", use "/".
   o  For schemes that define a port, use an empty port if the default
      is desired.
   o  Preserve empty fragment identifiers and queries.
   o  Ensure that all portions of the URI are UTF-8 encoded NFC form
      Unicode strings.

For starters its in the "Dereferecing" section for some reason. Secondly, no consensus was reached to include it. Tim shrugged when no proposal gained consensus, and included it anyway. Thirdly, the rationale in the spec doesn't match any of the even-vaguely-valid ones given on the list. Fourthly, none of those rationales were valid. Fifthly, it's micromanaging. Of all the things we could go into great detail telling people how to do, this doesn't even rate. I've never seen a feed that has any of the problems this might solve.

Please delete it.


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