On Sunday, January 30, 2005, at 10:49 AM, Eric Scheid wrote:
On 31/1/05 3:47 AM, "Robert Sayre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
+1, but not just type attributes, also xml:lang variations please.

-1. An Atom entry is *one* representation and you can link to alternates.
I'm deeply unhappy that this was raised again. We went over and over on
the matter, and no one ever used them anyway.

At first blink what you propose sounds right, but on further reflection I
can see problems...

Say I have an <entry> which has content with @type=HTML, and an alternate
which would have @type=XHTML ... you are suggesting that the <entry> contain
a <link> like this...

    <link href="..." type="text/html" rel="alternate" />

The problem here is that looks like a link to a full fledged HTML page, not
a pointer to just the content which could be fetched and displayed in a feed
reader as a fall back position, which is what the "zero or more
atom:content" structure would allow.

Another option would be to allow one <content> with inline content, and alternative content by reference, eg. (not being careful about getting language tags correct):

<content type="TEXT" xml:lang="en_US">This is a pen</content>
<content type="text/html" hreflang="en_US" src="http://foo.com/abc"; />
<content type="text/html" hreflang="jp" src="http://foo.com/aiu"; />

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