What registry?

I don't think the examples you cite are the common case. The common case is "This Feed Document represents the last n entries in an ongoing information channel," or "This Feed Document represents entries within the last m units of time in an ongoing information channel."

These cases aren't well-supported by Atom, as it stands.

P.S. Feed Document may be somewhat misleading, because it's easy to confuse it with Feed (which has connotations of the information channel). I think "Feed Snapshot Document" or the like was once proposed, but it was shot down. *shrug*

On Jan 31, 2005, at 6:42 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:

Paul Hoffman wrote:

What does that add to the document? A MAY with a hint of an extension doesn't seem to add much.

I agree with Paul. The proposal doesn't really make sense unless there's a way to distinguish "this feed represents the current weather in Oaxaca" from "the latest entry represents the current weather in Oaxaca". Also, should such a convention arise, it would be easy to add to the registry.

Robert Sayre

-- Mark Nottingham http://www.mnot.net/

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