Some thoughts

- It seems very likely to me that Atom will evolve over time.

- For some applications, changing the namespace name with every
  version is entirely impractical. Atom may or may not be in this
  category. Do feeds become legacy? Are people storing entries with
  the expectation that the readers of 2014 will be able to display
  them, albeit perhaps imperfectly? Changing the namespace makes that
  *hard*. XSLT transformations and XML Queries for Namespace1 flatly
  will not work with Namespace2.

- When I look at a feed, I am comforted on some emotional level by my
  ability to know what version the creator intended it to be.

- Perhaps YAGNI applies.

I think, on balance, I'm +1 for keeping it, but I doubt I'd lie down
in the road over it.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Life is a great bundle of little            | things.--Oliver Wendell Holmes

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