Tim Bray wrote:
>The intent seems pretty clear; entry-level overrides source-level 
> overrides feed-level, but it seems like we should say that.
> Anybody think this is anything more than an editorial change? -Tim
        I believe that this three-level chain of inheritance has always been
what we've intended. There was, however, a great deal of discussion at one
point about how to actually write the words. Thus, I agree that it is
largely an editorial change; however, you might expect some controversy over
particular word choices. Give it a shot and let's see how folk respond.

        Note: There is more to authorship than just the inheritance issue. I
think it also makes sense that a "feed-level author" should be considered to
be the author of the collection of items which is the feed. This authorship
is independent of authorship over any particular entry within the feed. Even
if the feed contains no items authored by the feed-level author, the
feed-level author is still author of the collection. This distinction would
be useful in describing linkblogs, and a variety of other feeds types that
are composed of entries collected from other feeds or multiple authors.

                bob wyman

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