On 5/23/05, Anne van Kesteren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert Sayre wrote:
> >> What happens when it does contain child elements? I think we should
> >> define that for interoperability. (See HTML for what happens when
> >> you don't.) This question also applies to the next section.
> >
> > No, that's broken. There can be no expectation of interoperability.
> I think there should be. Authors will try to do it anyway and defined
> error handling is better than reverse engineering the market leader's
> error handling.

There is no consensus for me to record, AFAIK.

> >> For white-space significance text I need to use 'html' or 'xhtml'
> >> instead using PRE or xhtml:pre?
> >
> > I don't understand what you're saying here, but I'm pretty sure every
> > possible whitespace issue has been debated by Graham, Paul, Martin,
> > etc. Feel free to try and explain this again if I don't get it.
> White-space may be collapsed inside 'text' as currently defined.
> >> * 4.2.2 The "atom:category" Element
> >>
> >> Why is significant information hidden in attributes? That is bad
> >> for i18n and prevents people from defining the expansion of an
> >> abbreviation, for example.
> >
> > Minor flaw. It happens.
> I think you are rushing things too fast. It would be much better if we
> fixed this.

I would never describe this process as "too fast". I happen to agree
with you here, but I don't think the "problem" you've found is
important. Maybe other folks will. *shrugs

wrt the atom:uri element, you're ignoring an incredibly unproductive
thread that already occurred on this topic. I want you to recite the
Atompub Web Address Oath of Silence:

"I hereby promise that should I ever again be tempted to raise an
issue around the naming of web addresses, I shall strike myself firmly
on the head with a heavy blunt object until I come to my senses."[0]

Robert Sayre

[0] http://www.imc.org/atom-syntax/mail-archive/msg13865.html

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