The level of traffic in recent days have been ferocious, and reading through it, we observe the WG has consensus on changing the format draft in a surprisingly small number of areas. Here they are:

1. The restriction that atom:author can appear only once is removed.

2. The draft should include an explanation that if entry/author is absent, then all entry/source/author entries apply if there are any, otherwise all feed/author entries apply.

3. Change to previous consensus call. The phrase that begins "If multiple atom:entry elements with the same atom:id value appear in an Atom Feed document, they describe the same empty..." loses the language about how software MUST treat them as such.

4. atom:id is a compulsory child of atom:feed (or did we already say that?)

5. rework the last paragraph of First of all, the description involving "text/" and "+xml" needs fixing per Thomas Broyer's work (see msg15444.html), and second, the SHOULD is gone, see http://

Have I missed any? Yes, there has been high-volume debate on several other issues; but have there been any other outcomes where we can reasonably claim consensus exists? -Tim

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