* Eric Scheid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-08-05 06:00]:
> ah, but how do you know those URIs are id's?
> or more specifically, is the following URI an id or a location?
>     <link rel="something-you-don't-know" href="..." />

You don’t know. Just goes to show once again that Antone was
right all along to rail against abusing atom:link for that

Of course you could say that consumers should disregard links
with relationships they don’t understand – which, incidentally,
is equivalent to disambiguating whether atom:link/@href is just
any URI or supposed to be dereferencable. Other than those of us
discussing the threading extension, noone has opined about that

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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