+1, including the 'MUST NOT' suggestion.

(Note that the XML Schema anyURI datatype, which may be used in
the RelaxNG schema for IRIs, allows spaces, because it was based
on an early draft of the IRI spec. If precision is desired, spaces
(and the other US-ASCII characters that the XML Schema anyURI
datatype allows) can easily be excluded using a pattern facet.)

Regards,    Martin.

At 13:04 05/08/12, Paul Hoffman wrote:
>Greetings again. I think we have rough consensus on "emitting with whitespace around IRIs and dates is an error" and "we should warn folks that people might emit errors here because this is somewhat subtle".
>If that is true, I propose that, just before section 3.1 (at the end of the introductory text to "Common Atom Constructs") we add:
>Note that there MUST be no whitespace in a Date construct or in any IRI. Some XML-emitting implementations erroneously insert whitespace around values by default, and such implementations will emit invalid Atom.
>--Paul Hoffman, Director
>--Internet Mail Consortium

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