On 30/8/05 12:05 PM, "James M Snell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's kinda where I was going with x:follow="no|yes".  An
> x:archive="no|yes" would also make some sense but could also be handled
> with HTTP caching (e.g. set the referenced content to expire
> immediately).  x:index="no|yes" doesn't seem to make a lot of sense in
> this case.  x:follow="no|yes" seems to me to be the only one that makes
> a lot of sense.

x:index could be used to prevent purely ephemeral dross cluttering up the
uber-aggregators. A feed which gives minute by minute weather data for

robots NOARCHIVE is used by search engines, particularly google, to control
whether they present a 'cached' page, which seems sensible.


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