It's late here, but since I have been called...

Clearly the order of the entries could not be deduced from the tags themselves.
One would need to have an extra tag in there such as this <position> tag

      <title>The Graphes of Wrath</title>
      <update>1 July 2005</udpated>
to specify the order of the entry. I think at the time I was talking in the context
of that being proposed.

Again it is late, but I think my idea of having a entry always stay at the same position was that I was thinking that from one week to another one could just change the content
of the entry

      <title>Of Mice and Men</title>
      <update>8 July 2005</udpated>

So that one could still think of a feed as a sequence of changes to resources. One would then, I thought, not need to republish the whole list of entries, just those that changed from week to week. As a result there was I thought, no need for
a <stateful> tag.

But the problem with that suggestion was that it could not cope well with mistaken feed updates. So that if I mistakenly entered "Of Mice and Men" but I meant to enter "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe" then adding the following entry

      <title>The Restaurant at the end of the Universe</title>
      <update>8 July 2005</udpated>

would tend to indicate that the change was insignificant, whereas a change of date would tend to indicate that the there was a new entry in first position.

Some proposed that one should distinguish therefore between the update time of the
entry and the update time of the object of the entry...


On 30 Aug 2005, at 23:35, Thomas Broyer wrote:
Bob Wyman wrote:

I’m sorry, but I can’t go on without complaining. Microsoft has proposed extensions which turn RSS V2.0 feeds into lists and we’ve got folk who are proposing much the same for Atom (i.e. stateful, incremental or partitioned feeds)… I think they are wrong. Feeds aren’t lists and Lists aren’t feeds. It seems to me that if you want a “Top 10” list, then you should simply create an entry that provides your Top 10. Then, insert that entry in your feed so that the rest of us can read it. If you update the list, then just replace the entry in your feed. If you create a new list (Top 34?) then insert that in the feed along with the “Top10” list.

Henry Story also proposed atom:id to be "order-related":
<feed xmlns="";>
<title>Some entry</title>
<title>Another entry</title>

and a bit later:
<feed xmlns="";>
<title>Another entry</title>
<title>Yet another entry</title>

Note how tag:first-in-list entry now represents "Another entry" while it were previously "Some entry", and tag:second-in-list now is "Yet another entry" while it were "Another entry".

Thomas Broyer

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