On Oct 17, 2005, at 5:17 PM, Mark Nottingham wrote:
They seem similar. But, what if you want to have more than one paging semantic applied to a single feed, and those uses of paging don't align? I.e., there's contention for prev/next?

If no one shares my concern, I'll drop it... as long as I get to say "I told you so" if/when this problem pops up :)
I share your concern.

On 17/10/2005, at 3:21 PM, Thomas Broyer wrote:
I don't think there are different concepts of paging.

Paging is navigation through subsets (chunks) of a complete set of entries.
Yeah, but what if you need what amounts to a multi-dimensional array. The method of addressing each dimension has to be distinguishable from the others.

If the complete set represents all the entries ever published through an ever-changing feed document (what a feed currently is, you subscribe with an URI and the document you get when dereferencing the URI changes as a sliding-window upon a set of entries), then paging allows for feed state reconstruction. In other terms, feed state reconstruction is a facet of paging, an application to non-incremental feeds.
Let's say you're doing a feed for the Billboard top 100 songs. Each week, the entire contents of the feed are swapped out and replaced by a new top 100 (ie. it is a non-incremental feed). And let's say you don't want to put all 100 in the same document, but you want to break it up into 4 documents with 25 entries each. You now have two potential axes that people might want to traverse--from songs 1-25 to 26-50 to 51-75 to 76-100, or from this weeks 1-25 to last weeks 1-25 to two weeks ago's 1-25, etc. You can't link in both directions with the same "next".

There are clearly two distinct concepts here--navigating through the chunks that make up the current state of the feed resource, and in a non-incremental feed, navigating though the historical states of the feed resource.

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