* James M Snell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-10-21 21:25]:
> Ok, so thus far: we can indicate resources that are related to
> the given entry; we can indicate that an entry is a reply to
> another entry; we can specify categories to which the entry
> belongs; but there is currently no way of indicating the
> *subject* of the entry. 
> The best options appear to be:
> a. Use dc:subject (appears to be a perfectly acceptable
> solution to me assuming that the subject indication is intended
> for human consumption
> or...
> b. Use link[rel="subject"] (which works if the subject is 
> identified/described by a dereferenceable URI)

Err, are you forgetting atom:category? Doesn’t that satisfy all
your wants *and* more? It has a URI, a term and a human-readable

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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