On 8 Jun 2006, at 14:44, Elliotte Harold wrote:

James M Snell wrote:

That's not quite accurate. Two entries with the same atom:id may appear
within the same atom:feed only if they have different atom:updated
elements. The spec is silent on whether or not two entries existing in *separate documents* may have identical atom:id and atom:updated values.

They're ids, not guids. Certainly I would expect that there'll be some accidental conflicts. For instance one site might number its posts post1, post2, post3,...; and a different, unrelated site might do the same.

No, they are guids. The datatype for an id is a IRI, which is a generalisaiton of URI. IRIs are constructed in such a way that it should be easy to construct universally unique ones without ever having name clashes. If name clashes there are, this will either be due to incompetence or to malevolence.


Elliotte Rusty Harold  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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