At 1:49 PM -0700 5/23/06, Paul Hoffman wrote:
Greetings again. The Atompub WG will have our first (and maybe last!) face-to-face meeting at the upcoming IETF meeting in Montreal at the beginning of July.

The timing of us having our first WG meeting may seem odd, given the fact that we completed the Atom format document long ago, and are making good progress on the publishing protocol. However, there are reasons other than "moving documents forwards" for WGs to meet. Lisa Dusseault, our Area Director, asked us to have a meeting so that people active in the Atompub WG can have more interaction with the IETF, and vice versa. There is interest in the Atom format from other WGs, and there may be interest in the Atom publishing protocol as well.

I propose the following agenda, which should fit well into a one-hour slot:

- Intro: 10 mins
- Brief overview of protocol status: 10 mins
- Use of Atom format in other WGs: 30 mins
  - draft-saintandre-atompub-notify
  - Overlap with calendar formats
  - Overlap with mail

Note that we are explicitly *not* going to discuss extensions to the Atom format at this WG meeting because they are not part of the WG charter. Lisa has said that she may help arrange a BoF session on creating a new Working Group for Atom extensions, and having at least a higher-level discussion of what extensions are out there would be appropriate in that BoF. But, to use asterisks again, such discussion is *not* part of the Atompub WG meeting.

See <> for details about the IETF meeting. I will let the WG know when there are preliminary and near-permanent agendas for the meeting. It would be good to meet some of you there!

We are tentatively scheduled for Wednesday afternoon; see <>. I say "tentatively" because the schedule will probably shift a bit for the next two weeks; my guess is that we are 80% likely to stay in the same spot.

I have not received any offers to talk about "Overlap with calendar formats" or "Overlap with mail" at the BoF, but am still quite receptive to people making such offers.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

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