
Over on the IETF Atom Syntax mailing list we're discussing whether or
not to pursue the autodiscovery draft that had previously been put on
the table [1] or to simply point to the HTML5 work and be done with it.
 While reviewing the HTML5 draft and comparing that to the Atom
auto-discovery draft, a couple of questions came to mind.

 1. Is the order of alternate link rels in a document significant?

 2. Are multiple alternate links with the same type attribute
    considered to be equivalent regardless of where those links appear
    in the document.



- James

Edward O'Connor wrote:
> James,
>> Please correct me if I get any of this incorrect, but for the sake of
> [...]
>> What I did not see in the HTML5 spec is any indication of whether the
>> order of link relations is significant. I'm assuming that means that
>> it is not. I'm also assuming that means that all "alternate feed" link
>> relations, with the same type attribute value, appearing anywhere
>> within the document are considered to be equivalent?
> These are good questions, but you and I are equally able (or unable) to
> answer them. Perhaps they would be better asked to the WHAT WG community
> on their mailing list?
>                      http://whatwg.org/mailing-list
> Ted

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