Eric Scheid wrote:
> [snip]
> If an agent found an entry document, should it assume that it's a feed with
> one entry (so far) and allocate resources accordingly (ie. allow for
> cardinality of n++)?

No. In particular, if an atom:source element is not included there is no
way of knowing anything about the implied feed; no atom:id, no
atom:updated, no atom:title, none of the minimal bits of information the
atom spec requires for a feed.  An implied feed would serve no purpose.

> If an agent found an entry document, and then later returned to find a feed
> containing multiple entries, would it consider that a problem?

That obviously depends on how the code was written.  If it's an APP
client that's expecting to edit an Atom entry then, yeah, it'll quite
likely be a problem.

Now reverse it.  If an agent (e.g. firefox) finds a feed document and
then later returned to find an entry, would it consider that a problem?

> Would an agent finding multiple atom:content elements inside the one entry
> consider that a problem (other than it being a spec violation)?
> Are XML processors optimised for the fact that any given attribute can only
> occur once per element, and not twice or more .. eg. <foo attr="1" attr="2"
> /> ?

Ok, you lost me on these last two. I'm not sure what you're getting at.

- James

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