On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 5:18 PM, Karanbir Singh <mail-li...@karan.org> wrote:
> On 18/06/15 22:44, Adam Miller wrote:
>> Hello all,
>>     I am happy to announce nightly builds of the Atomic ISO installer
>> composes with Fedora 22 + Updates[0]
>>     As time goes on there will be 30 days worth of the latest composes
>> hosted there with older builds being discarded. My intention for this
>> is only as a test/dev tool and it is not in any capacity an official
>> Fedora release but it is made up entirely of only Fedora bits from
>> koji (and at this time only using signed/released rpms from bodhi) and
>> using the Fedora Atomic configurations. Once installed 'atomic host
>> upgrade' will pull updates just as the official Fedora 22 Atomic image
>> will from the official remote ref.
>>     The "source" of the scripts that produce these are hosted on
>> github[0] if anyone is interested. The composes are done in a mock
>> chroot so ultimately this should work on any of Fedora, CentOS or RHEL
>> machine (RHEL and CentOS requiring mock installed from EPEL).
>>     As work progresses on Fedora Atomic 2-Week Releases[2] and
>> official nightly builds are commissioned there, I will be
>> decommissioning the current nightly build solution in favor of the
>> official Fedora nightly build process.
>>     Also note, there's a possibility we will enable updates-testing
>> for certain packages within these nightly Atomic ISO composes but at
>> this time that has not been decided upon.
>> Questions, comments, and snide remarks are certainly welcome. :)
>> Thank you,
>> -AdamM
>> [0] - http://atomic-nightly.cloud.fedoraproject.org/composes/
>> [1] - https://github.com/maxamillion/fedora-atomic-nightly
>> [2] - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Two_Week_Atomic
> So, we've been doing this for about 6 months in CentOS now, none of what
> you have done looks vaguely similar. Why start from scratch rather than
> build on a chain thats already in place ?

I didn't start from scratch, this is how Fedora has been doing it
since the Fedora 22 branch release cycle. I just broke things outside
the Fedora build infrastructure and modified source locations of
certain content because the jobs that get run to produce the Fedora
ISO installers are currently part of the standard 6-month release
process, rely on certain things within koji, and don't (yet) lend
themselves to a rapid build cycle (which is something that's being
worked on with the "Two Week Atomic" change[0]).

My work was based on the way the Fedora Release Engineering team does
them[1]. I imagine none of it looks familiar because CentOS doesn't
track Fedora as an upstream.


[0] - https://pagure.io/releng
[1] - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Two_Week_Atomic

> - KB
> --
> Karanbir Singh
> +44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
> GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc

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