On 18/06/15 23:26, Adam Miller wrote:
> I didn't start from scratch, this is how Fedora has been doing it
> since the Fedora 22 branch release cycle. I just broke things outside
> the Fedora build infrastructure and modified source locations of
> certain content because the jobs that get run to produce the Fedora
> ISO installers are currently part of the standard 6-month release
> process, rely on certain things within koji, and don't (yet) lend
> themselves to a rapid build cycle (which is something that's being
> worked on with the "Two Week Atomic" change[0]).

ok, workflow changes ( challenges ? ).

> My work was based on the way the Fedora Release Engineering team does
> them[1]. I imagine none of it looks familiar because CentOS doesn't
> track Fedora as an upstream.

would'nt it be cool if, in a small group, we might all work on a common
tool chain for a change ? One that did'nt need a release engineering
team to back it, would be really nice.

> -AdamM
> [0] - https://pagure.io/releng
> [1] - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Two_Week_Atomic

Karanbir Singh
+44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
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