On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 8:42 AM, Chris Schanzle <schan...@nist.gov> wrote:
> I would say about 25% of the time, mythbackend doesn't start on my Fedora 16
> box on reboot.  From the logs, it appears the local mysqld is not ready to
> accept connections.  Unfortunately, it doesn't try to reconnect and the
> result is missed recordings and a non-functional frontend.  Restarting
> mythbackend (service mythbackend restart) is the band-aid.
> Is there some improvement we can make to the initscript to ensure we can
> talk to the sql server?  I realize it might not be local on the box, so we
> can't just depend on the mysqld service.
> Note mysqld is a systemd service while mythbackend is a SysV service (init.d
> script).
> I'd take a stab at a fix, but would appreciate any guidance on the best
> direction to head.
> Thanks!
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Any luck on developing something that works here?  I've noticed others
are also having this issue and I'll probably take a look at it this
weekend, but if you've made a headstart, please let me know.



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