Hi Kiwamu,

While I'm not sure why your code fails, it's an interesting project you've 
started. Please don't hesitate telling us more about it!

Actually, I have an idea about your code. You may have to an annotation 
like if :( line: strnptr(m) ) => .. then ... else ... onto your 

On Monday, October 29, 2018 at 8:52:33 AM UTC+2, Kiwamu Okabe wrote:
> Dear all, 
> Why following code occurs `unsolved constraint` error? 
> https://github.com/metasepi/uemacs-bohai/blob/8b2b657c829be1025433f3083aa5cf3b1d040cb6/DATS/utf8.dats#L60
> ``` 
> $ vi DATS/utf8.dats 
> --snip-- 
> implement utf8_to_unicode (pf | line, index, len, res) = bytes where { 
>   fun loop1 (c: char, mask: uint, bytes: uint): (uint, uint) = 
>     if ((($UN.cast{uint}{char} c) land mask) != 0U) 
>       then loop1 (c, mask >> 1, bytes + 1U) 
>       else (mask, bytes) 
>   fun loop2 {m:nat} (line: !strnptr(m), i: int, len: int(m), bytes: 
> uint, value: uint): uint = 
>     undefined() 
>   val c = line[index] 
>   val () = !res := $UN.cast{unicode_t}{char} line[index] 
>   (* 
>    * 0xxxxxxx is valid utf8 
>    * 10xxxxxx is invalid UTF-8, we assume it is Latin1 
>    *) 
>   val bytes = if (c < $UN.cast{char}{int} 0xc0) 
>     then 1U 
>     else bytes' where { 
>       (* Ok, it's 11xxxxxx, do a stupid decode *) 
>       val (mask, bytes'') = loop1 (c, 0x20U, 0x2U) 
>       (* Invalid? Do it as a single byte Latin1 *) 
>       val bytes' = if (bytes'' > 6 || bytes'' > len) 
>         then 1U 
>         else bytes'' where { 
>           (* Ok, do the bytes *) 
>           val value = loop2 (line, 1, len, bytes'', 
>                              ($UN.cast{uint}{char} c) land (mask - 1U)) 
>           val () = !res := $UN.cast{unicode_t}{uint} value 
>         } 
>     } 
> } 
> --snip-- 
> $ pwd 
> /home/kiwamu/src/uemacs-bohai 
> $ make 
>   ATS      utf8.dats.c 
> /home/kiwamu/src/uemacs-bohai/DATS/utf8.dats: 929(line=23, offs=58) -- 
> 934(line=23, offs=63): error(3): unsolved constraint: 
> C3NSTRprop(C3TKmain(); S2Eeqeq(S2Evar(l$8600$8666(14318)); 
> S2Evar(l$8600$8601(14253)))) 
> /home/kiwamu/src/uemacs-bohai/DATS/utf8.dats: 929(line=23, offs=58) -- 
> 934(line=23, offs=63): error(3): unsolved constraint for var 
> preservation 
> typechecking has failed: there are some unsolved constraints: please 
> inspect the above reported error message(s) for information. 
> exit(ATS): uncaught exception: 
> _2home_2kiwamu_2src_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_error_2esats__FatalErrorExn(1025)
> make: *** [Makefile:75: utf8.dats.c] Error 1 
> ``` 
> Best regards, 
> -- 
> Kiwamu Okabe at METASEPI DESIGN 

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