Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Flyby, I would argue that you are not the only one who thinks logically about things, nor are you the only one who works hard for your money (I wish I had time to play Swamp while I was at work like some people do!), but you have raised some very good points.

There are expectations people have when you sell a product rather than just giving it away. Server capacity and good, clear documentation are extremely valid issues to be cleared up as soon as possible. Also, a safe and secure payment system which the hackers can't access the passwords for, is essential with the time constraints Aprone has.

The thing is that nothing has actually been decided yet and all these ideas for the things we want from Swamp, or the things we would expect in order to become satisfied customers if we had to pay, are important for Aprone to think about. Can he meet these requirements? Does he want to? If not, don't charge. If they can happen, even over a period of time, I think the argument is very much in favour of charging for the game (or at least some parts of it) if the paid content is good enough. Market research is just as logical as launching the project properly. See, us humans can think for ourselves, after all.


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