Re: virtual mac on a windows machine?

I realize this is devolving from the topic slightly but...

techmaster20 wrote:

Nooooooooooooo. Don't use bootcamp. You have to partition, and you will need sighted assistance, as the idiots at apple don't allow sound driverd]s to be used until windows is installed. If you buy a mac, use vmware fusion, or look up the mac installers from SoulDev, since they went down, you will have to get them from a torrent.

First off:
You can have perfectly working audio during installation. It's called, "Oh... Speakers don't work? Let's use the headphone jack".
You can have a windows install with speech by using a win PE disk image written to either a flash drive or DVD. (Don't ask me for these, there are a few floating around the net and this forum...)
As for no speech on the second part of the install, after the computer restarts, just win u for util ities, tab until you hear narrator, hit enter.
I've set up bootcamp on several macs this way, it works just fine (though, if you are going to be using a Win PE image you better go get a real win 8 / 8.1 / 10 iso from Microsoft, write it to a flash drive and plug that in during the bootcamp process... Then when the mac restarts switch the valid iso disk with the WinPE).
Now, back on the actual topic of this thread:
You might be having a slow time of it for a few reasons.
The first, and most obvious is that your computer just doesn't have enough oomph to run multiple operating systems (your host, as well as a simulated one). For this you need enough ram and processor speed.
I don't actually know how much ram my mac uses, I've got 16 GB in this macbook so it's never been a problem, but in general Apple is pretty smart about resources, at least in my experience.
You might also be having audio latency issues, which could make the ma c just "feel" slower, because of the lagtime for audio output. THere are articles on how to decrease this, so I won't go into it here.

Also, there is a huge community dedicated to the "hackintosh", which is basically a computer that runs OS X either in a VM or as the primary OS (I don't really know many specifics, some researching required on that one).

All that aside, if you are going to be using a mac in a professional environment (You need this for work / you depend on it / you aren't going to be as effective without it), if at all possible, just buy one. You can grab a mac mini for like... what... 400 dollars these days? (A mac mini is a small box with all the computing hardware packed inside that you just plug up to speakers and a monitor).
I use my macbook with OS X and windows daily and love it. I'm about to trippleboot some sort of Linux flavor, so I have access to windows 7, Mac OS X, and my favorite linux distro.

Hope that helps

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