Re: Doctor Who: Big finish productions

Yeah, that's a good one. Six and Evelin I believe.

I'm just glad 8 finally got some respect and a curtain call worthy of the character. It also ties well into the arc BF has given him in preparation for the Time War. I may dislike the war itself, but I can't argue he doesn't have the character development for it anymore,which was something I criticized the show for doing as an excuse to give the future incarnations unnecessary baggage.

It goes down easier in my mind thinking of 9=11 as going through an extended coping process as 9 being angry and not wanting to be around others, Ten getting worse and going into self-loathing and a superiority complex and wanting to save everyone while going the wrong way about it, and 11 finally learning not to blame himself and regain some enthusiasm in his travels he hasn't had since 8's early adventures. Not to say everything is OK now, but Eleven is certainly healthier than when he started.


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