Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

@57 What's wrong with Sam playing his own game? I'd say if he's actually gonna play like a player and not use admin commands, etc. Then what's the problem. I'd sure like to enjoy a game I made if I ever got that far.

OK, I can see both sides of this argument. First off, let me just tell you I have next to no experience with this game, I've played it like 3 or 4 times earlier in its life, and played it like for 15 minutes just the other day, so if you want to ignore this based on I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, then go ahead. First, Sam and RTU team, do you not think that there is a single individual on the RTU team who doesn't like being on the top? Do you not think that they can be arrogant, or dickish, even sometimes without them realizing it. I'd scoff if the answer to these questions is a no, because it's human nature to act different when you've got power. Also strength in numbers. Let's imag ine you're in a bar, and you're not in a good mood, girl dumped you, stressful week at work, etc. Let's say you're gonna get wasted, cuz why the hell not. Let's also suppose you're just itching for a good fight. Even so, are you likely to go after a burly looking 250 pound dude who looks to be like 6 foot 3 if you're skinny, weigh about 15 and about 5 foot 10? unless you're absolutely smashed, probably not. Well, what happens if you have 3 buddies with you, then what? He don't look so tough anymore, does he? Also, say you've been working out at the gym for the past year, you still have your buddies with you, you've been in half a dozen brawls. Now who is gonna look tough to you? The same scenario applies here. The more people you have, the more you've challenged other teams and won, etc. the bigger you're gonna feel, and its gonna change you, at least within the scope of the game. Let's say this, say you were on t he RTU team, had all this health, had a base, all the resources, pretty much untouchable. Now, say you got kicked off the team for whatever reason, would your play style remain the same? probably not for too long. Oh you might be able to whoop up on some people while you still had all those items and health and such, but what happens when they start to run out, sure you gotta go around and pick up items now rather than buying them. Now, I don't know what you can and can't buy from the base, again, lack of experience, but I have gotten, and thus do know the effects of an item grabber. They pull a shit load of items around you to where you're virtually swimming in them. Now you're just like anyone else, oh, now you're gonna be more experienced than nubes, but you're not gonna have shit piles of items all the time, and you're not gonna hvae your buddies to back you up, so yehah, your play style is going to have to change.

I have seen time and ti me again the greed coming out of this community. Manifesting in bitching and moaning about things being paid, wanting more updates, acting like the world owes them X, Y, and Z. So yes, I do believe that some of the complaints in this thread are either unfounded, or are blown out of proportion. Yes, if you want to get good at this game, it appears you are going to need to work for it. If you don't like grinding, well most games aren't for you then. Play something casual or play on QC or RS. Again, I can't say if its worth it because I haven't done it. If not, then either just go after individuals, form your own team or don't play. If you want a pure FPS, make one.

Now, to sam. You can run your game how ever the hell you want, because you made it, you control it. But every good dev should try to balance their vision versus community feedback. If you are too conservative, and you stick to only what you see for the game, and it doesn't jive well with the community, you'll start to lose players. If you are too liberal, listening to the community's ideas and suggestions too much, then you start to lose sight of how you wanted the game to work. Some of the community will love you, because you implemented their ideas, but you would also lose players because people would come to realize that this isn't the game they liked to play, its all cluttered now with a bunch of wild stuff. Plus, you would be more stressed out and tired trying to do all this, and you would eventually not want to work on the game anymore. I can't speak to this from the vantage of a developer, but as a player of mainstream games, I have seen this happen. The point I'm trying to make is this, if 90 out of 100 people say there's something wrong, swallow your pride and look into the issue, doing otherwise, such as telling them no this is wrong, or ignoring them essentially makes you a narcissistic mother fucker, unless you have a good r eason. but generally, if 2 thirds of the majority of people you talk to say you suck, then sorry, but you suck. I am not accusing you of this by the way, just putting it out there. Also ,there's nothing wrong with looking into an issue, doing some testing, and saying no, its working as intended. I'd say as long as you're not intentionally trying to throw the game ot of wack, but then again, you can run it however you want. I always like to say there's no such thing as I didn't have a choice. You can do whatever the hell you want, whenever the hell you want, its a matter of understanding the consequences if you do X. I can walk out the door with my SKS strapped to my back, go out there and just start blowing peoples' brains all over the sidewalk, but the consequence of that action is my life is over, I'm going to jail for a very long time, and if I lived in a state with corporal punishment, I'd be served with the death penalty. So, if you want to run the game completely the way you want if 9 tenths of people tell you its fucked up, go right ahead, but the consequence is you'll lose players. If you're OK with that, then feel free. I don't think you would do that, because it would suck to spend hours and hours and hours on a project just to piss away your player base in a fit of peek.

Again, I don't want to sound like I'm drawing conclusions or being accusatory here, I'm just setting up hypothetical scenarios just to shed some light and make things clearer.

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