Re: Collectible Card Game challenges for Blind players


I've played several Trading Card Games for years now, including Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic the Gathering and Pokémon. Actually, I play them for over 15 years now and I'm planning to continue with that. Actually, it isn't very much you need in order to play them, even without damaging the card, so you can continue trading them if you want.
The secret is to buy card sleeves and just continue using the Braille Typewriter (lol, don't know the english word of it, hopefully you got what I mean) or some other way of writing some braille leters onto the sleeve to write some text onto the sleeve which identifies the card to you you're going to put into this sleeve.
This way I actually played in several tournaments, even big ones.
If you want to trade them, you just pull the card out of it's sleeve and you're good to go. If you're going to trade alot you'll have to buy alot of those sleeves, but honestly, there are packages of 100 clear sleeves for $1, so I don't think that this will cost you alot. The only problem can be the shuffle problem. If all your sleeves are marked (between 40 and 80 or even more, depending on the card game) the pile of cards might crash or fall over, due to the slippyness of the sleeves. But this will improve while you use it.
So, as you can see, it's quite easy to play such games, at least if you know the braille alphabet. I also play some online games like Magic or Yu-Gi-Oh, but I need sighted help for this, since those features aren't accessible enough. But it's fun too.
Just ask if you got some questions.
Best Regards.

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