Re: Modern Educayshun: Your Thoughts?

I believe in progress. I also think it's a natural process. It isn't always in certain people's interests though. Scientific progress wasn't in the church's interests, so they tried to use their power and influence to hault it. The industrial revolution wasn't always in the labour force's best interests, so they tried to smash the machines that were taking their jobs. Abolition of slavery, better rights for workers etc, aren't in the factory owners' interests, so they sling mud at those who argue for change. So we end up in a position were being a technology luddite is a foolish stance, but being a kind of social luddite is fine, wise and worldly even. I believe that trying to hault progress is ultimately futile. On the other hand, Trying to force change on society can often seem aggressive and have a counterproductive affect, but in my opinion, at least those guys are vaguely on the right trac. It's the character assassination tactics used by those who have something to lose from political/social progress that get under my skin, and that video had a full deck of them. And what saddened me was whether they're right or wrong, the young are the very people who should be pushing for social change not arguing against it. The driving force behind change often comes from the youth. I think once we have children, our priorities become almost entirely centered around providing for them financially, so a lot of our youthful ideals are abandoned. And as we age, we become resistant to change, I think purely because our memory banks are behaving like full hard drives: no room for anything new in here. So we need the youth to argue for change.
As for the idea of political correctness gone mad, I think that's mostly an idea that's highlighted and even occasionally fabricated by tabloids purely to annoy people because stimulants are addictive. I'm not too concerned classrooms will end up anything like they were in that video. People who can't spell equality won't become heads of English due to political correctness. That was just a negative association  trick: liberals are stupid... as well as pussies, naïve, insane, hypocrites, fascists, and on and on ad nauseam. What's interesting is that a lot of these negative traits often completely contradict each other: doormats one minute, fascists the next.

By the way, "demented crap flagged up by people with a neon lit agenda" was not a remark aimed at the OP or even the people in the video, but at those who are trying to pull our strings by editing reality in a news type way to suit their agenda.

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