Re: Blindcraft release, is it possible?

for first, thank you all for your support, your reactions are motivation for me to continue in development of this game, because I see there is interest about it.

@Caejones: I like way you can describe things and problems, you are of course true. There really isn't way how to avoid compass and radar in 3d game. Hovever, what is hard to tell is what is compass, and what is radar?

I will take an example here - Audioslenderman. In the game for sighted persons is no light in rooms of dark house, you have only flashlight, which can show you one point on the wall, floor etc. I played it as sighted too, it is a small cyrcle of light in darkness, where you can recognize small area with your eyes. And here is question: can this be called radar?
I thought similar system for my Audioslenderman game, where is hovever no light, but sound point playing in space, where normally light should to come back from. So you have something like flashlight, hovever with soun d instead of light. Sadly I haven't coded it yet, hovever it seems to me like it can give you very detailed picture about room, where you are currently standing, when you are rotating slowly and hearing, how is the wall builded. And here is again question: can this be called radar?

Similar situation I described with compass. For sighted people is no problem to create virtual compass in theyr heads, because they see for example how far are they turning, while blind players doesn't have chance to detect it, because they haven't compass. Of course, in Blindcraft as I sayd you can repair your orientation with surround, hovever it is not that fast and accurate like sighted people can do, and I did not found any technique to made it, so Blindcraft will contain the compass as an compensation for blindness.

Hovever, that is not situation of radar. Caejones wrote, that he did not played any fully accessible 3d game yet, and that only our accessibility feature is hr tf. My opinion is, that we don't have fully accessible 3d game yet, and that hrtf is not an accessibility feature.
Heh, I can imagine how are likers of 3d sound feeling, but I think it is right. Yeah, hrtf is good thing, I also like it, hovever only when it is made good, otherwise it will not help you much and you can get more from sound with simple behaviour rules, which you know already. And because is very hard to get really good hrtf yet for free, I decided to not depend on it.
Instead of doing it, I thought a new 3d accessibility technology, which I did not saw used in any audiogame yet. I assume it will work, hovever sadly I can not try it, first is needed to develop world itself to final form, only after it add new technologies. So if you are asking if this will be revolution or not, i can tell you, that I am asking the same question myself and have no answer. big_smile

About development, it was pretty lazy last week, probably because hard things was done before, so I needed break, hovever now I am back and want to add first animals. That is the last thing necessary for survival mode to work survivally, so when it will be done, I can record a small recording of me, trying to cut some trees in forest and grab wood from them, build a house on place, which is not that easy to find as it can look, craft some basic items needed to survive like the crafting table or sword and trying to catch some meet from animals to defeat my hunger. All excepting hunts is done already, so I hope myself it will not take a long time to finish survival mode.

Best regards


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