Re: Should Teachers Determine Who's Allowed To Touch Your Equipment

That's why the trust between the kid and the parent is so important, and if you break that, as the kid, you can't easily get it back. I was a pretty good kid, but in 5th grade, the second time through, when everyone thought it would be a good idea to hold me back for entry into mainstream classes in middle school, which at that point, I was not attending, I had a bad year. The teacher running that side of the VI department, I didn't really like her all that much, she made us brush our teeth after lunch, and had this gum tasting tooth paste that I hated, I always used normal tooth paste. Also, all my friends ere moving on to middle school, while I was not. That really bothered me, because then I knew practically no one. I started doing things, acting out I guess. I would take a pocket knife into school and scratch up the bathroom stall walls with it. I then started stealing matches and taking them into school. I'd go in the bathroom, light one, let it burn a while and then chuck it in the toilet and flush it. I'd then go and tell a teacher it smelled like something burning in the bathroom. I did this every other day or so for a week, then I went in one day, lit a match, and chucked it in the trash can. I waited for a fire to catch, and then left. I was so proud of it, I couldn't keep it quiet. I would tell people not to use that bathroom, to use the one on the other end, and when they would ask why, I'd just laugh and smirk. At recess, I took the book of matches with me, it had 2 left, and chucked it in the storm grate. I did tell someone though, someone who I thought was a friend, and that person snitched on me.

Now we get to the point of the story. My parents went to bat for me, but really, my dad fought them hard. They dropped everything down and gave me 5 days of in school suspension for possession, but really, I was the one who did it. The fire was very close to catching the paper towels hanging down from the dispenser, and from that point, who knows. The trash can was near full when I did that, so it could have got way out of hand. Back then, I understood it could have hurt people, maybe not so much before I did it, but certainly after. But the one thing I took for granted, and I didn't understand until I got older, was just how much I'd broken their trust, and what that meant to both of us. That's a big deal, yes, I'm glad no one was hurt, and I'm sorry I ever did it, it certainly didn't solve anything, but I'm most sorry I took advantage of my parents' trust in me and lied to their face about it. That's a type of wound that cuts deep I can tell you, and on both sides. I mean, we're all good now, that was near 21 years ago, but still. Anyone reading this who has lied to their parents, or thinks about doing it, just don't. At least, not for something that major. I mean, lying about small stuff, while not good, is kind of understandable at some level, like saying you did your homework, when you didn't. But still, its not a good habit to get into. And, unless you have shit parents, its really just for the best to admit what you've done. I know that I think about this stuff sometimes, if I ever had kids, which I fully do not intend to do, but if I did, well, lying to me really does nothing. If they told me straight up what they'd done, then I'd go easier on them. But once you've damaged that trust between you and your parents, they're always gonna doubt you, so if you got in trouble of a major sort, and needed them to fight for you, maybe thy don't take your word for it.

I know some of you probably do have shitty parents, and that really does suck. I'm grateful that mine were good. My dad was better out of the two of them in handling my visual stuff, my mom used to want me not to do stuff, while my dad made sure I got every opportunity. But yeah, if you do have good parents, and you know you do, just cherish that. And even though you butt heads with them, or they get on your nerves sometimes, trust me, some people have it way worse. Some people live in falling down houses with crack head neighbors and moms who shoot up in the afternoon, ya know? Some people don't have enough to eat, go hungry a lot of the time, etc. So if you have good parents, don't fuck it up by lying to them when you get in trouble. I'm not telling you to be goody two shoes, I mean, everyone does things, like smoking cigs or weed or something, trying things, experimenting and stuff, but if they catch you at it, just come clean, its really not worth lying to them.

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